Bike Sales Management
Business Request and User Stories
The business request for this data analyst project was an executive sales report for sales managers. Based on the request that was made from the business we following user stories were defined to fulfil delivery and ensure that acceptance criteria’s were maintained throughout the project.
No # | As a (role) | I want (request/demand) | So that I (user value) | Acceptance Criteria |
1 | Sales Manager | To get a dashboard overview of internet sales | Can observe our top products sales and various customer purchases overtime | A Power BI dashboard which updates data once daily |
2 | Sales Representative | A detailed overview of Internet Sales per Customers | Can follow up on customers that buys the most products and the customers we can sell more to | A Power BI dashboard which allows filtering of data for each customer |
3 | Sales Representative | A detailed overview of Internet Sales per Products | Can follow up on products that sells the most | A Power BI dashboard which allows filtering of data for each product |
4 | Sales Manager | A dashboard overview of internet sales | Follows sales over time against budget | A Power BI dashboard with graphs and KPIs comparing against budget |
Data Cleansing and Transformation (SQL)
One data source (sales budgets) were provided in Excel format and were connected in the data model in a later step of the process.
To create the necessary data model for doing analysis and fulfilling the business needs defined in the user stories the following tables were extracted using SQL.
Below are the SQL statements for cleansing and transforming necessary data.
-- Data cleansed DIM_DateTable--
[FullDateAlternateKey] AS Date,
[EnglishDayNameOfWeek] AS Day,
[WeekNumberOfYear] AS WeekNum,
[EnglishMonthName] AS Month,
LEFT([EnglishMonthName], 3) AS MonthShort,
[MonthNumberOfYear] AS MonthNum,
[CalendarQuarter] AS Quarter,
[CalendarYear] AS Year
CalendarYear >= 2019
--Cleansed DIM_Customer Table--
c.customerkey AS CustomerKey,
-- ,[GeographyKey]
-- ,[CustomerAlternateKey]
-- ,[Title]
c.firstname AS [FirstName],
-- ,[MiddleName]
c.lastname AS [LastName],
c.firstname + ' ' + lastname AS [Full Name],
-- ,[NameStyle]
-- ,[BirthDate]
-- ,[MaritalStatus]
-- ,[Suffix]
CASE c.gender WHEN 'M' THEN 'Male' WHEN 'F' THEN 'Female' END AS Gender,
-- ,[EmailAddress]
-- ,[YearlyIncome]
-- ,[TotalChildren]
-- ,[NumberChildrenAtHome]
-- ,[EnglishEducation]
-- ,[SpanishEducation]
-- ,[FrenchEducation]
-- ,[EnglishOccupation]
-- ,[SpanishOccupation]
-- ,[FrenchOccupation]
-- ,[HouseOwnerFlag]
-- ,[NumberCarsOwned]
-- ,[AddressLine1]
-- ,[AddressLine2]
-- ,[Phone]
c.datefirstpurchase AS DateFirstPurchase,
-- ,[CommuteDistance] AS [Customer City] -- Joined in Customer City from Geography Table
dbo.DimCustomer AS c
LEFT JOIN dbo.DimGeography AS g ON g.GeographyKey = c.GeographyKey
CustomerKey ASC -- Ordered List by CustomerKey
-- Cleansed DIM_Products Table --
p.[ProductAlternateKey] AS ProductItemCode,
-- ,[ProductSubcategoryKey]
-- ,[WeightUnitMeasureCode]
-- ,[SizeUnitMeasureCode]
p.[EnglishProductName] AS [Product Name],
ps.EnglishProductSubcategoryName AS [Sub Category], --Joined in from Sub Category Table
pc.EnglishProductCategoryName AS [Product Category], -- Joined in from Category Table
-- ,[SpanishProductName]
-- ,[FrenchProductName]
-- ,[StandardCost]
-- ,[FinishedGoodsFlag]
p.[Color] AS [Product Color],
-- ,[SafetyStockLevel]
-- ,[ReorderPoint]
-- ,[ListPrice]
p.[Size] AS [Product Size],
-- ,[SizeRange]
-- ,[Weight]
-- ,[DaysToManufacture]
p.[ProductLine] AS [Product Line],
-- ,[DealerPrice]
-- ,[Class]
-- ,[Style]
p.[ModelName] AS [Product Model Name],
-- ,[LargePhoto]
p.[EnglishDescription] AS [Product Description],
-- ,[FrenchDescription]
-- ,[ChineseDescription]
-- ,[ArabicDescription]
-- ,[HebrewDescription]
-- ,[ThaiDescription]
-- ,[GermanDescription]
-- ,[JapaneseDescription]
-- ,[TurkishDescription]
-- ,[StartDate]
-- ,[EndDate]
ISNULL (p.Status, 'Outdated') AS [Product Status]
[dbo].[DimProduct] as p
LEFT JOIN dbo.DimProductSubcategory AS ps ON ps.ProductSubCategoryKey = p.ProductSubcategoryKey
LEFT JOIN dbo.DimProductCategory AS pc ON ps.ProductCategoryKey = pc.ProductCategoryKey
order by
p.ProductKey ASC
-- Cleansed FACT_InternetSales Table --
-- ,[PromotionKey]
-- ,[CurrencyKey]
-- ,[SalesTerritoryKey]
-- ,[SalesOrderLineNumber]
-- ,[RevisionNumber]
-- ,[OrderQuantity]
-- ,[UnitPrice]
-- ,[ExtendedAmount]
-- ,[UnitPriceDiscountPct]
-- ,[DiscountAmount]
-- ,[ProductStandardCost]
-- ,[TotalProductCost]
[SalesAmount] -- ,[TaxAmt]
-- ,[Freight]
-- ,[CarrierTrackingNumber]
-- ,[CustomerPONumber]
-- ,[OrderDate]
-- ,[DueDate]
-- ,[ShipDate]
LEFT (OrderDateKey, 4) >= YEAR(GETDATE()) -2 -- To bring two years of data of extraction
OrderDateKey ASC
Data Model
Below is a screenshot of the data model after cleansed and prepared tables were loaded into PowerBI.
This data model also shows how FACT_Budget has been connected to FACT_InternetSales and other necessary DIM tables.
Sales Management Dashboard
The finished sales management dashboard with one page with works as a dashboard and overview, with two other pages focused on combining tables for necessary details and visualisations to show sales over time, per customers and per products.